Vivo Unveils 11.11 Sale on Shopee and Lazada

vivo 11.11 sale

11.11 is fast approaching where many brands in the Philippines are to offer their most popular and recent products on huge discounts. These brands do these either on their own website or sales channels, but most if not all are on Shopee or Lazada. Vivo is one of the brands to join this year's massive 11.11 Sale where fans and buyers can score up to 40% off. 

Vivo Philippines is boasting its new and popular Y Series as well as its current flagship series, the V25 models, to be on sale this 11.11 on Shopee and Lazada ecormmerce websites. See below the list of Vivo products that will be joining the sale. 

vivo 11.11 sale

The promo starts on November 9 and will last through November 11, 2022 on Vivo's online stores on Lazada and TikTok. And then beginning November 11 on Shopee. And as you can see in the matrix above, not only exclusive discounts are being offered, also items are to come with special freebies. 

vivo 11.11 sale
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