Netflix is Developing a Gears of War Live Action Movie Adaptation

Netflix Gears of War

 Gears of War fans are in for a treat over at Netflix as the streaming giant just announced that they are doing a live action movie adaptation of the hit video game Gears of War. Netflix is teaming up with The Coalition to make this a reality. 

Also, in addition to the said live action movie announcement, they plan on releasing an adult animated series along side it "with potential for more stories to follow.". 

Apart from this particular announcement that Netflix posted on their Twitter account, no other details have been revealed yet. We don't who the cast are going to be, what the plot is all about, or when we can expect the film to hit their streaming platform. 

We actually don't mind waiting as Netflix has other upcoming releases coming its way that will keep us busy while we wait. The only question that we might have in mind is, is Netflix going to do justice to this game when translated into a live action movie? Of course we certainly hope so but you know at the same time is kind of worried. Anyway this is not the first time Netflix is doing an adaptation of a successful video game, there is The Witcher, Arcane: League of Legends, and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, to name a few, which I think did very well. We'll see. 

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