Specs Off: F1s Upgraded vs F3 vs F3 Plus

One of the most common questions I have been being asked about is the difference between the previous F1s Upgraded and the recent F3 series. Specs and pricing of course are the main reason for the questions as interested buyers would like to see what they are getting from each of the selfie expert iterations.

Of course the most obvious between these two series is the implementation of dual selfie camera setup. Though F1s Upgraded has a very good selfie taking snappers located on the front panel, the F3 and F3 Plus have even better shooters and not just one but two front cameras just for the selfie and groupie photos alone. And that comes with a higher price tags as expected. but does it really worth the extra bucks versus last year's F1s Upgraded?

Here is your quick technical specifications comparisons of the F1s Upgraded, F3 and the F3 Plus. This includes pricing too. See table below.

What do you think? Let's talk about it in the comments section below.
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