Behold the Justice League Superheroes, Minus Superman

Today a new epic image has just been released by Warner Bros. showcasing our most anticipated DC Comics-based superheroes in the upcoming Justice League movie. In the photo from left to right, we see Ben Affleck as the Batman, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Ray Fisher as Cyborg, Ezra Miller as the Flash, and Jason Momoa as Aquaman.

All is set up to save the world once again from the threat of the enemies except for that one iconic flying superhero missing in the scene - Superman (played by Henry Cavill).

If you have seen the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, you already why is that. But that does not mean we will not see Clark Kent in this first ever Justice League live action movie as one of the key producers of the film had already confirmed that the Kryptonian orphan is definitely going to appear in this film, how and how much airtime, no one knows.

Like I mentioned above, it is a first live-action Justice League movie and it is not a Justice League without Superman you know. So that's kind of already expected to happen and it's just a matter of how he will come back here.

Hopefully we will see an official full blown trailer for the Justice League very soon and some more awesome promotional posters for each characters as we approach the official release date in November of 2017.
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